HURRY! Get 2010 Entertainment Coupon Books For Just $19.99 Shipped!!! Or Get Them For $14.99 Shipped If You Agree To Get Next Year’s Book!

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Every Entertainment book comes with thousands of valuable coupons, ranging from discounts when flying AA, to car rental upgrades, to all kinds of massive discounts on local activities and sporting events.  There’s even a BOGO coupon for a free cholov yisroel Ice Cream here in Cleveland!

Going on a vacation? Pick up the entertainment book for that city and you’re all but guaranteed to save a bundle!

Additional books purchased at the same time are just $14.99 shipped!  If you agree to buy next year’s additional book you’ll get a get another 10% off!

Entertainment books normally range in cost from $35-$45, depending on the city. Most books, including Cleveland, Los Angeles, and NYC are normally $35 + shipping.

If you agree to have the 2011 Entertainment book charged to your current credit card when it is published next November you can save an additional $5 off the 2010 book, making it just $14.99 shipped!

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9 Comments On "HURRY! Get 2010 Entertainment Coupon Books For Just $19.99 Shipped!!! Or Get Them For $14.99 Shipped If You Agree To Get Next Year’s Book!"

All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.


i do this every year with american airline virtual card numbers to get the discount without actually getting the new book


@Chaim: “If you agree to have the 2011 Entertainment book charged to your current credit card when it is published next November you can save an additional $5 off the 2010 book, making it just $14.99 shipped!”
I guess that’s whats being implied with the words “charged to your current credit card”


How do you do that?


you make it on when logged in just set the expiration for next month and when they try to charge you next november it wont go through so you wont have to buy it but you still got the discount now.


is there any way to get virtual # with a citi business card?

loyal reader

are there any pesach programs you recommend?


the pesach program n lancaster ,pa is very good program, great location, great food(greenwald caterers from Lakewood), and much less expensive then the other pesach programs



come on. this sounds like stealing. your only getting the discount because you promise to buy another one later.


what are the airine deals?
