DansDeals Seminar: Brooklyn

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The 11th DansDeals seminar will be on Tuesday night, June 24th at 8pm.
It will be located at the Bais Yaakov of Boro Park, 1371 46th St. Brooklyn, NY 11219

You can purchase tickets via this link. 

The cost of admission is $12. Light refreshments will be served.
The entire ticket price (after credit card and event processing fees) will be donated to charity to benefit Yeshiva Gedola of Carteret, the organizers of this event.

You will have to designate who will be attending as tickets are non-transferable.

-Please choose between mixed seating or separate seating when you purchase your ticket.
-Men and Women ages 15 and older are welcome to attend, no kids or infants please.
-Recording devices and photography of the slides are not allowed so be sure to bring something to take notes with!

7:30pm: Doors open. Failure to show up by 8:00pm may result in your seat being given away to someone else so please plan to arrive early.
8:00pm-9:00pm: Seminar Part 1-Credit Cards and mileage earning on a beginner to intermediate level.
9:00pm-9:15pm: Intermission
9:15pm-10:30pm: Seminar Part 2-More advanced tips and tricks for mileage redemption, paid flights, hotel stays, car rentals, etc.
10:30pm: Trivia and Q&A session.

-If you are a beginner: Hopefully you will learn a lot, but I cover many subjects in a relatively short period of time. Don’t feel bad if you don’t understand many things or if you start to feel lost, feel free to stay afterward and I’ll clarify them.  Or better yet start reading the DansDeals Forums where you can learn more about anything you want to know.  There won’t be time to explain most subjects at length, so take good notes of the concepts, and read more about them after the seminar on DansDeals.com and on the DansDeals Forums.

-If you are on an intermediate level: You may know of many of the concepts I talk about but you should still learn more than enough to make attending worth your time and effort.

-If you are on an expert level: You probably already know most or all of what I’m going to talk about so feel free to attend, but don’t expect 2.5 hours of new information, it may be a complete waste of your time.  Some experts have told me that it was worthwhile, others have said it was not, I guess it depends on what kind of expert you are :)

Seating is limited so book your ticket first and then tell your friends ;)
Many seminars that I have run so far (Crown Heights, NY, Boro Park, NY, Five Towns, NY, Lakewood, NJ, Chicago, Cleveland, Los Angeles, and Teaneck) have sold out so don’t procrastinate!

Have a question or want a specific topic covered? Tweet @DansDeals using the hashtag #DDSBrooklyn

Hope to see you there!

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66 Comments On "DansDeals Seminar: Brooklyn"

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Not the 11th Dan – don’t be so modest 🙂 but message received. thanks!


@dan Oh man…i just bought a ticket to Monsey…i LIVE in Brooklyn, any chance I can switch tickets??


crashing when i go to pay


ARGH. You’re giving a seminar during the A’s game at Citi Field. Would have loved to come…


The front is mixed or separate seating ?


Monsey is now 12th 🙂

There’s no refunds/transfers but the good news is that the full price goes to charity 🙂

Keep trying!

I’m told there will be 3 sections.


How many seats are available?


not letting me pay


will I be able to win PJ’s once again?


Ughhh. Just bought monsey seminar tickets. Can I switch em?


I would like an upfront seat. Any way of knowing which section will be in front ?


@Dan: Dan, just for that, I’m gonna buy another ticket 😉


see you there


What about us in Flatbush?
Do we have to travel to BP or Monsey?


Missed the link to the Monsey event, is it still open???


Dan, I would really appreciate if you can verify the answer to Timmy’s (comment #5) question, TIA.


@dan How does one contact you about possibly organizing an event?


@Flatbush: travel to BP? Seriously?


Are any of your seminars givin in Queens Area? @dan


Yes! The one in Boro Park and the one in Monsey. They are both within an hour travel time from Queens!

Yosef Goldberg

dido the question about having a seminar in queens…or will there maybe sometime be another one in the 5 towns area?


Dan please make one in farrockaway or 5 towns please


Any possibility of a Staten Island seminar?


New yorkers, please stop the complaints. the subway will take you to Brooklyn for $2.5. does Dan need to come to your backyard? get real! Queens, SI, Monsey, get yourself on the bus, and get a ticket before you are out of luck.


1st come 1st served.

Scroll down the page…

@Yosef Goldberg:
I have no plans for any more seminars in the near term.

Did that already.




crashing when i go to pay

Dan Says:

Keep trying!

and it still doesn’t work trying for past 15 min.


Hey Dan! U gotta make one in the mnts in the summer!! Would love to attend, but I’m in israel til then… Mayb we can hav a hook up!


Thanks @ Centro. @ Dan, tx already booked!


I see now that my issue was that I somehow didn’t get all tchvitchke’s today.

The Guy

Can we have a live hook up in Israe,like Eli says.
I would love to attend.

Bp Guy

you should join #LTB2014


Is there free food?


Keeps crashing


I tried to buy 2 tickets, put my cc info in and the screen went blank. I don’t know if it took. I don’t want to be stuck with 4 tickets.


@cubicles i was having the same issue i changed browsers from chrome to safari and it worked


Booked 2 tickets hope to make it, either way the money goes for a good cause


Just moved from NYC to L.A. When are you next coming to L.A.? This year? Next? Thanks.

Dan Fan

How will this seminar compare to the one you gave last year in BP? Is it mostly the same information, or is there a lot of new stuff?

I would consider myself on an intermediate level if it makes a difference. Last year I knew most of what you covered in the first half, and didn’t know most of the second half, but it was done so quickly that much of it went over my head.


@Mo: As per the post: “Light refreshments will be served.”

Erlich Guy

i live in willimsburg , abd i want to go ,but seeting in a place witch are also mixed men and women is very not good for me also against my hashkufa , so i want to ask if irs possibale to make also a place for men with a mchitzh that we cant see women ? so i should be able to can come and stay with my hashkufa in erlichkeit ? hope you will have some salouton for that , thanks in advence ,


Which is the main seating?
Should people buy separate unless they specifically want mixed?
Or buy mixed unless they specifically want separate?


Already did LA.

@Dan Fan:
Same seminar as last year more or less.

@Erlich Guy:
Go to the Monsey seminar.

Buy the one you want and the organizers will figure it out.


@lyla: Please provide the name you submitted, or check your credit card account.


Lyla Liberman and Howie Spivak


@Lyla: We did not receive payment for either of those names, unless you used a business card, so it may have processed under the business name…


Should I have gotten any confirmation email


Wow this is filling up quick! 74 mixed seats left, 51 woman and 105 men seat left.

I will be in Brooklyn next week, will I learn anything more in addition to what was spoken about in the Miami one?


Any seats left?


Is this legal


Very excited


Dan what about san diego?


@MOe: There are seats left till they ticketing site sells out. They won’t let you buy once they are sold out.


I entered again and this time received email confirmation. Thank you.


I signed up and paid, but did not receive a confirmation email. Are confirmation emails going out?


I bought a ticket for myself in the Seperate section and now bought one for my wife to sit in mixed section can I switch mine from Seperate men’s section to sit with her in the mixed section



If you didn’t get it then it went to spam you mistyped your address.
Email me with your name, dan@dansdeals.com.

Email me.


Booked my ticket hope to see you


Is there any parking?



very hard to find parking
your best bet is to park on 13th ave
after 7 pm you don’t have to pay the muni meter


if my friend bought a ticket wednesday & i buy 1 today can we sit together? are the seats numbered?


will there be free booze?


There is SO much to read in the forums. I am coming tonight to Brooklyn lecture but i want to brush up on some key points so i’m not totally lost the whole time. Can you send links to important forums/articles I should read? Not really sure where to start here…



Is anyone going from the heights?

David R

Thank you. It was very informative and entertaining.

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