PSA: Dealers Push To Get Rid Of Your Auto Broker, Submit This Simple Form To Help Today!

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PSA: Dealers Push To Get Rid Of Your Auto Broker, Submit This Simple Form To Help Today!

NY dealers are once again pushing a law in NY State that would make it impossible for your AutoBroker / Leasing companies to operate

This means a monopoly for them and higher prices for you

Please take one minute to click the link and stop this from becoming law

Please simply fill out this form.

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4 Comments On "PSA: Dealers Push To Get Rid Of Your Auto Broker, Submit This Simple Form To Help Today!"

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Details? What is the new law proposing?


This is an advertisement not a PSA so please label it as such


It literally says that 3 times in the post.


But it still starts the heading with big letters PSA which it is not.
