Oorah Auction Deadline Today: Special Last Chance Deal!

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Oorah Auction Deadline Today: Special Last Chance Deal!

Win 6 free trips to Israel!

Enter the Oorah Auction TODAY  and you’ll get automatically entered into 6  bonus raffles to win a ticket to Israel! Raffles will be drawn  today throughout the day, May 28th, from 10 am-10 pm. The earlier you donate, the more chances you have to win! Enter NOW at oorahauction.org or by calling 1877.7.AUCTION.

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1 Comment On "Oorah Auction Deadline Today: Special Last Chance Deal!"

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I entered, $110. Thanks JJ for letting us know.

FYI – years ago I entered a contest from another Jewish group in NJ, and won the grand prize of a private jet trip!
