New Data Point To Help You Turn A Denial Into An Approval, Don’t Give Up On Your Credit Card Application!

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Update 11/12/24: We are getting reports from readers that if you were denied for the best ever 90,000 point Ink Business Unlimited® Credit Card offer in the past couple weeks, now is a great time to call Chase reconsideration! 

Another update on the points below is that some reps are looking if you are actually using your current cards! So be sure to use your cards before calling reconsideration!

If you are denied, be sure to ask for a supervisor, even if you’re told that the answer will be the same. Many people, myself included, have been approved that way.

Post your results in the comments below!

Originally posted on 3/15/23:

When you apply for a card you may be told that you need to wait for a decision. At that point you can wait and see if you’ll be approved or you can call the bank for reconsideration. Typically I’ll wait and see and then call if I’m rejected, but sometimes I’ll call right away.

If the bank offers a checking account, like Bank of America and Chase, it can help if you have a checking account with that bank in good standing.

If you have a Chase checking account, you are MUCH more likely to get approved for card offers. Opening a Chase business checking account will also help for Ink card approvals.

If a rejection is due to Chase’s 5/24 rule, you can make sure that the agent doesn’t count authorized user cards and store cards that their system might count, but a manager can exclude in order to grant a card approval.

Readers have been reporting success stories of being denied for credit cards but then calling the reconsideration line, explaining to them why the denial should not apply to them and have reasons as to why you need this exact card/s.

Things you can do include:

  • Offer to shift credit lines around from other cards to get the new application approved.
  • Offer to close an older card you don’t use anymore and move over the credit line to get the new application approved.
  • Explain how you want the benefits the card provides. Items like card earnings,  extended warranty, travel insurance, primary car rental coverage, are all good reasons to want a card, so learn about the unique benefits that each card has to offer besides for a killer signup bonus.
  • The banks are afraid of people just applying for credit to rack up debts that they won’t pay. Your job is to explain why you are NOT one of those people and why you want the card.
  • Explain how you’ve never had a late payment or that you’re a loyal customer for x amount of years.
  • Explain your loyalty to the bank, especially if you have a checking account with the bank.
  • Explain why you or your business need another card or another of the same card, it can even be as simple as separate cards for different spending you need to do for your business or for different clients.
  • Ask to speak to a manager to get an approval on the spot if the first reconsideration agent says to wait for a decision.
  • Be friendly! Ask the person how their day is going and they’ll be more likely to want to help you out. Reconsideration reps have all the power, so it’s up to you to become their friend. A DDF user who homebrews beer found out that the agent also makes his own beer. After talking beer strategies the card application was approved!

Here are reconsideration numbers by bank:

  • Chase Business: 800-453-9719
  • Chase Personal: 888-270-2127
  • American Express: 866-314-0237 
  • Capital One: 800-625-7866
  • Citi: 800-695-5171
  • U. S. Bank 800-947-1444
  • Wells Fargo 800-967-9521

Post your success stories below!

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120 Comments On "New Data Point To Help You Turn A Denial Into An Approval, Don’t Give Up On Your Credit Card Application!"

All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.


There used be a fliow chart and an 800 number that you could call – with various responses i.e. ” we will let you know in next 14 days…” and usually indicated approval or denial does anyone have the flowchart or phone # for the automated syatem?


How can my kid every get a first credit card? he was denied even in the bank that he has accounts with due to not enough credit. is there a foolproof first time credit card?


Try discover it card


bless you! success!


add him as an authorized user to your credit card ti build up his credit


Got my chase united card approved after it was rejected for 5/24 rule having me as authorized users on my spouse’s credit cards.
Thanks Dan and everyone involved!


Capital one has NO reconsideration dept !!
Learned the hard way. They will just put the application in the system again with no human power approving a denial


This is 100% correct. Capital One is horrible. I got denied for the Venture X card with a 830 score & there is no one to speak with. Emails to the Executive Office resulted in a phone call from some agent in the Philippines. They said you can apply again if you wish. It is the absolute worst bank.


I tried many many times and never was approved even though I had 790 credit score at the time. Any suggestions?


Me too. It was so strange as I’ve never been denied before and have a similar credit score.

Capital One is horrible

My wife was approved for the venture x.
Right after that she recieced a message that the account is locked untill she verifeis her income. She uplodes bank statments & called back, only to be told that the account is closed & she could reapply.


I just had this with chase business ink.
Got denial immediately, called the reconsideration line, took 30 minutes and a few transfers, but I got it!


Credit line transfers, or transfers to a different agent?


Could this also help if the reason for denial is a lower credit score?


It can always help, since it’s up to the rep, however certain factors will be hard to convince the rep otherwise, credit score might be one of the tougher ones, since that’s a direct reflection of credit useage (and not a technicality like 5/24).


Applied couple months ago for 2 Ink Unlimited (both as same Business/SP)and both were pending and for one the reason was because it was a duplicate application but after calling recon number they were able to approve it and then yesterday applied for 2 Business Ink Cash one is pending (once again both as same Business/SP) and one is pending and one is denied for it being a duplicate and they said per policy only one of each card can be approved per business, is this true?
(Already tried HUCA and speaking with a supervisor)

Do I need to reapply as a “Different business” to be approved and if so I am assuming applying the today will be another hard pull?


I had a similar experience. I applied for the Ink Cash and Ink Unlimited at the same time. I forgot to unfreeze my credit first so they both got held up immediately. I unfroze my credit and called Chase the next day. They ran my credit and immediately denied me. They said there were 3 reasons they couldn’t approve me: too many cards opened in the last 2 years, not enough business credit with them, and no business checking/savings accounts. (I have a consumer Freedom Unlimited and a personal checking/savings account with them.) The agent transferred me to the ‘acquisition’ team. They basically said the same thing…denied for those 3 reasons.

At that point, I figured it was a lost cause so I hung up.

But I got to thinking that for the open cards, on at least one or two of them I’m just an AU.

So I called the reconsideration line directly.

I was lucky to get a friendly agent. I tried being as friendly as I could and joked around with her to build a bit of a rapport. It worked! She even found an old Chase card I had forgotten about that ended up being charged off by Chase back in 2011 (I fell on some hard financial times back then but have since rebounded and have an excellent credit score and income now). After asking me a few other questions and putting me on hold a few times, she approved the card.

She said she couldn’t review my second application on this same call, but recommended I call back as my chances looked good to get the second card approved (in her opinion).

When I called back, the agent I talked to wasn’t as friendly. She re-verified much of the same info the first agent did then told me they’d be reviewing the reconciliation and that I should call back within 48 hours to find out the status.

That same evening I got emails saying both cards where approved!

It pays to be persistent and to be nice to people!


Good to hear, I just want to confirm that I can apply for 2 (and get approved) of the same exact card at the same time, is this possible?

Anyone know the truth of the matter?


Not as likely, but why not sign up for 2 different since same sign up bonus for each


That was my intention but the first time when I wanted to sign up for one of each (Ink Cash and Ink Unlimited) I by mistake signed up for 2 of the Ink Unlimited version and now I figured I might as well try for 2 of the Ink cash.

Seems though even after calling recon and speaking with a supervisor they said since my business is new and just opened those two other cards with them then it’s a “Firm denial” and they won’t even allow me to shift from existing credit lines to create space, is there anything I can do about it like will HUCA help in this case? Would opening a personal (Or business account though since I selected SP on my application not sure it matters) checking account and stashing some funds there help? if so how much what amount should I put? 10k? 20k? 50k?


Trying to apply-completed form 4x; site too busy now, “try again later.” Is EIN=SS?


Apparently I didn’t have to try again; it went through even though I got an error message! I was immediately approved!


I personally got approved for Ink & Flex after calling & explaining that I’m not over 5/24 because of authorized user & got approved. A friend of mine who doesn’t have any
Chase account got approved for Ink & Cash after calling in


Every card i apply for i get “under review” always call up right away have had much success, also a lot of time speaking to agents.

Herman the German

Call recon, they told me I was 8/24….verified that 4 of them were only authorized users, got it down to 4/24…. Offered to move credit from other chase biz card, got approved 9K credit. Easy does it….slow and steady…..yasher koach to Dan and all his helpers foe everything all the time


Wow! Thanks for writing this article. Got denied for CIU for: 7/24; “business structure”; and “insufficient business relationship” with Chase. Opened a checking account with them yesterday, called for reconsideration today and APPROVED! Amazing.


My wife got denied, and a letter in the mail that she had to give proof of legal name or address for business. I called the number on the letter and they said I need to go to a county clerk to get proof of that… I’m looking for advice on how to deal with this


Should be able to send in her driver’s license and social security card as verification if it’s in her name.


First you need to understand that your living in denial…


I applied for both cards and both came back “Under review”. I called the phone number and they said since its under review I would have to wait 7-10 days…I guess I will wait it out..Question…right after I applied I got two emails from experian about credit file has been updated…Business cards dnt affect personal credit score, it just lists the cards on the account? thank you..shabbat shalom


Anyone have success with Citi? I have everything and anything but can’t get a Citi card for some reason


I tried calling reconsideration a month after a denial and they said they cannot review after 30 days. I had to apply again (got approved).

Steven Weiss

Thank you Dandsdeals for the tips on how to get an approval. I was denied yesterday and called the reconsideration department this morning and got approved.


Application from Friday is “in review”.
Called just now and they said they can’t do anything until (if) it’s denied.


It usually takes a day, try calling back, and ask the rep to move it forward, usually ends up with decision on the phone


Can I have multiple of the same ink card for the same business? Will I get a bonus for each?


Can you still try for the ink cards?


I’ve been trying to apply for an AA citi business card, after I closed a JetBlue card when I was denied a fraudulent charge and refused to pay. That account is now in collections and is on my report. My score has since recuperated.
Citi reconsiderations won’t approve me, even after explaining and having impeccable credit and on time payments with my many other cards.
I was thinking of going into a branch. Would that help? Or shift something from my Citi Premier (which I don’t want to close)?


Will this work with a future business?

Steven Weiss

I was initially denied but called the reconsideration department and got approved. Follow the tips and be friendly and offer to move over part of another credit line if you have one with Chase.


Thank you for the inspiration! Was denied a few weeks back, just called and had it approved within ten minutes.


I was rejected because of something negative in my Chase profile from many years ago and I called and got it to go thru. Wondering, I got the card. Its in my name, sole proprietor. I have a personal chase online profile but not business. Can i add this card there and if yes how?


No.. need business profile


You open a new online login for the business card, then you link your personal profile there, under profile>link relationship


Dan, is HUCA a wise idea when it comes to reconsideration?


Applied for Ink Unlimited and Ink Cash a d got pending notice

Unlimited was approved next day automatically but they took 10K credit from another existing card I had and used it for the new card

Cash – I called in two days later and asked for a manager after first rep couldn’t approve. Manager asked me several different sets of questions similar to application form and after a total of 30 minutes on phone they approved with a new line of credit ($5K)

I used the talking points from this post

Thank you Dan


Spent a really long time on the phone with chase. Initially denied at least once for both unlimited and cash was b”h able to get both approved.
Now working on wife’s applications also denied multiple times on both but hopefully well on the way to approval.
Definitely never give up. If one rep won’t help you call back until you get one that will!


@dan/jj can I give a site suggestion?
I personally would enjoy if new comments were on top if that’s a possibility?!
New to old instead of old to new


I’m just wondering little on the topic of suggestions if you make an app is that a possibility?



blah said toad



Is HUCA worth it when it comes to reconsideration or is it to fishy and not recommended?


anyone had success transferring credit for the ink from a personal credit line the rep told me that would be impossible for her to do


hi dan is the chase ihg rewards traveler or premier good cards to apply for? the bonuses look really good. whats the catch? is it low approval rates?

r duvid

Special Thanks Dan & JJ for everything here, & specifically during this great Ink offers! I’ve applied for the Cash & Unlimited back in Dec, While reading how they lifted many restrictions etc. I decided it couldn’t hurt to try for another round, So i shoot in anothe 2 applications, not at the same min. the first one went to “under review”, so I called right away & the rep. just went over basic details to ensure it was me, but didn’t gave a decision on the phone but BH I got approval email shortly after that! So than I threw in the next one, it also went to “under review”, I called & the rep. said that the system is putting another layer of protection since its a 2nd application in the same day, so it triggers as a “duplicate” application (bla bla.. never had such a thing even with 3 applications in the same min. but perhaps things have changed!?) So they need some additional info about me & on the business etc. I first got scared, but when i recognized what you always encourage that it can be any Bill or personal document i calmed down, & after talking a few mins she mentioned herself the same! So I sent a few of these documents, & called again but I didn’t got any decision (Thanks for the amazing #HUCA tool movement… I really prepared myself
“…לדורן לתפלה ולמלחמה”), finally, today afternoon shortly after finishing my 2nd call, still without a decision, I got BH the approval email! Thanks so much Dan & JJ! Keep on all these great things!ays encourage that it can be any Bill or


I applied more than 30 days ago. can I still get it reconsidered?




usually the application is closed after 30 days


I need to upload a proof of physical business address (e.g. utility bill) I live by my parents and do not have any Utility bills, any suggestions? Will bank Statement work? (


I applied (over 800 credit score) for 1 (the other I received about 3 months ago). They denied for new additional one saying:

1) Too much credit w/Chase
2) Other card opened too recently

I call reconsideration line and said happy to move credit from another card. She wouldn’t budge on the other item, said having opened another card in the last 3-5 months was too soon for another. I stated that I want to have multiples for different clients, she said can’t approve at this time. I felt if I pushed harder would’ve turned bad for other open accounts.

Anything else I can try (she referenced that I had called day before after initial ‘in review’ status. So I don’t think HUCA will do anything except pis# them off. Ideas? Thoughts? Would a branch help, or just dial same number and hand me the phone?



Got an email that i need to provide “Proof of physical address for business (e.g. utility bill)” I put business in my name. Do i just send them a copy of a utility bill that has my regular name on it or do they want to see it being billed to a business?


Thanks Dan!!! With Siyata Dishmaya and the help of this post I was able to push through a denied application for the business ink


Wow I got approved for both and my wife got approved for both as well, b”h. Now I need some spending tips


Wife also approved for Unlimited, just the cash to go!


@dan I was 4/24 + 1 chase ink business card opened in December + 2 authorized users cards. Authorized users don’t count. Reconsideration told me i was declined because chase business cards count towards 5/24. Is that true that ink cards count towards 5/24? Should i try HUCA?


Wierd. Submitted applications for my wife for both cash and unlimited and they were both being reconsidered but now after one unlimited was already approved the other one under review is also an unlimited card. Dan do you know if will they allow me to change it into a cash card after I have it, or do I need to get them to change it before it’s approved?


Anyone know if possible to change from unlimited to cash?


Thanks Dan success turning 2 rejections into approvals one took 1 call the other 3

Jon Engelson

Hi Dan,
Thanks for all your help. I made a business in my name and called it Jon Blank Consulting with my social security number. Chase asked me the following:
Here’s what we need to continue reviewing your application

Please upload clear, easy-to-read copies of documents for the following:

Proof of legal name for business

What can I show them?

Thanks in advance


A must share story: I have applied for my second INK card (our fourth) days before the 90k bonus deal ended, but was denied, when I called recon line, I was told I am 5/24 even after removing the cards I was an AU. I was not aware of that, so I asked the agent to list all the cards opened within 24 months, turns out I opened a card on march 2021, so I was just about 5/24. I tried a few HUCA but they all said there is no way in changing or bypassing this policy.
I decided not to give up, and as soon as April turned in, I made another call, and was approved. Agent claims I will get the 90K because I applied before the deadline, I hope she’s right, because I’m almost hitting the threshold.

Yul B

Add BOA- recon 813-509-6690 or 800-600-4000

Bad experience – Applied for BoA Alaska Biz card-0-rejected. Requested reconn- rejected.
Nobody would answer why. Then a manger requested my tax returns and I asked why valuation I need to show and he did not know.

BOA is a JOKE!


Got a denial on a CSR. Reconsideration line denied again. Called back the next day and still denial. Using the tips of saying why you need the card, have a longstanding account etc…

How many times should I HUCA before giving up?


You give up at thirty days


I got 7-10 days online and 2 weeks over the phone. What’s right? Also why is recon closed so early? It’s supposed to be open until 10PM no?

If I do a 2BM or 3BM can I do it over 24 hours or does it have to be same calander day for 1 HP?


Just got approved! Thanks Dan.

(I also got an ink cash and ink unlimited back in March for the same business)


Got denied, and then denied again on recon for 5/24. Any ideas how to talk my way around it?


Is there a BofA reconsideration phone number?


I’m trying to figure out how to see my chase ink card online on my account how do I do it? Can you post all the steps in detail? Thanx so much


Since January have gotten 2 Ink Unlimiteds, 1 Ink Cash, and In August 1 Ink Preferred approved by transferring credit line. Friday, 5 weeks later, applied for another Unlimited and got in process. Called and denied for the laundry list of reasons. I’m thinking of calling in another reconsideration close to the 30 days.

Orrin D

I received 2 Inks recently and applied for a third. After rejection letter arrived, I called for reconsideration with the appropriate Chase agent at phone number listed above.

Pretty much using every bullet point above, especially the ‘friendliness’ aspect and the need for separation of business lines ( credit, paperwork, etc.) , I was approved. 3 Chase Business Ink cards in one month.
Thank you for excellent advice.

Phil DDF

Chase always insists that I transfer credit from existing cards, instead of extending additional credit. I have a twenty-five year credit history, an 800+ credit score, and $35,000 of additional credit with them spread over Freedom, Sapphire Reserve, Amazon, and United credit cards. It is, therefore, not a very good bank to request credit from.

gab p

when calling it tells me in an automated message that it’s being reviewed. Any ideas?


Capital One has NO recon line and NO manual human approvals – They only offer to resubmit the application and hard credit pull – they are complete garbage and not worth wasting time over.


So frustrating to see CapitalOne has no reconsideration. I just applied for Venture X, time to branch out from Chase and Amex, and got declined with the reason on the letter “Based on your credit report from one or more of the agencies on the back of this letter, there are too many active credit cards based on your loan history”. What’s the magic number that’s too many? Who knows? I think I have a moderate amount of cards.


I was always able to overturn a denial with chase (9 open chase credit cards)

Knowledge seeker

I received a denial letter for the Preferred Ink card. I called the reconsideration line and spoke to an agent. The agent transferred me to the application approval team and after a process of clarifications and being put on hold, I was rejected (despite using the script above) for the # of inquiries (9 in a 24 month period) , no deposit accounts with Chase, and application of a new credit card this month (I converted an existing Ink Chase card which was billed annual fee to a non annual fee ink cash card, which got reported as opening a new card. QUESTION: Would the card approval outcome change if I called the reconsideration line a second time?


Is there a point where the reconsideration rep cannot help anymore?
i called up a few time to have my most recent application approved (in the past they always got it approved got 9 in past 2 years) each time they said i was approved for a bunch of inks recently recently (last one was January) and have to many credit pulls i offered to move credit line they said they tried it and system didn’t let should i believe them..?


Same here


same to me 🙁


Trying to open up a checking account to help approval odds, was rejected AGAIN for a checking account even though I already have a chase personal CC.
Any way to push it thru?
I have no negative activity on any of my bank accounts (except trying to apply to many times cause I keep getting declined)


When I applied, it said that it is pending. I called him up the next day, and they said that they will let me know in two weeks. If I will be approved or not. I asked if there any way to expedite the approval and I was connected with somebody who is able to approve me on the spot They said I will receive my cards in 5 to 7 days.


No luck. Couldn’t move credit line. Too many open accounts (5 business cards). Told I can try again in 30 days.


Dan, have you ever heard of these reasons for a denial
1) to many active accounts or to much available credit
2)low usage of credit lines
3)your current amount of credit is enough in relation to your income
4)business to new

my wife and i have multiple cards and we have a bank accounts with them, what can i say to them to get an approval



A lot of DPs of denials. I think they cracked down on churners.
I have a 793 credit score and had never been denied a CC in my life, but denied on my past two Inks I tried this year.


I was told by a Chase branch manager that you can come in to the branch and request a reconsideration. I can imagine based on the points you mention about becoming friendly with the representative this is definitely a plus in that regard as the in person bankers are trained to initiate friendly conversation. Although it is not up to the banker himself to approve you he is one of the team that is dealing with your recon. And he’s working for a friend. Thankfully I did not need to return to receive a reconsideration however this idea may help.


Are they looking for usage on other chase cards? Or all cards?


Dan, I applied like 2 weeks ago, after you noted okay to have several for more than one client. Still waiting to hear.

I have one active pref other as well, and canceled another last month, that I had a few years, after moving credit to another ink.

They called about a week ago to confirm I applied, because I have fraud alert on account. Haven’t heard anything since then.

Better to wait or call in preemptively back?? And if so regular number or reconsider (no reject or approved yet)— told them in fraud check call that I’m open to moving existing credit to this one. They said they would note that and lmk. About a week ago.

Thanks for your thoughts.


If you have an old card to close, how do you justify wanting another one?


Dan recon is denying a lot of us. The cited to me to little usage of cc’s, too many cc’s opened and too much credit. Unlike the past I felt the rep did not even give it a chance are they clamping down?


I applied for the Business Preferred. After a week of calling in Periodically and the automated system telling me that my Application was still processing, I called and spoke to an agent. The agent told me that my application was denied because I had too many cards with Chase and too much credit.

I offered to move credit from another card or even cancel one of my cards that I was not using as much, but they insisted that nothing could be done. A few holds here and there to “check things” but they kept insisting nothing at all could be done for this application.

About 30 minutes later I decided I had nothing to lose and maybe 120K points to gain, so I just called again. Spoke with another agent who told me the exact same thing: too many cards, too much credit, etc. Again I offered to close a card or move credit over, but I was told in no uncertain terms that this application was not eligible for reconsideration. Finally I asked to speak with a supervisor. The agent said it would take a few minutes to get one on the line and put me on hold. After a few minutes on hold, she came back and said she was checking on some things. About five minutes later she came back on the line and told me if I moved credit from another card, she could approve it.

I did that and got approved on the spot!

Don’t give up, people.

knowledge seeker

Another data point…I applied for a Business Preferred ink card in August and was denied. I called the reconsideration line and that too was denied for exceeding 5/24.

Based on Dan’s advice and other input, I tried opening a new Chase business account but it appeared that opening a new Chase business account requires a hard pull from the credit report, which would make my 5/24 issue worse.

Based on recent positive feedback from some folks, I called the reconsideration line again, but the 30 day window (from the first denial letter) had passed, and it appears it deleted my original application.

The rep I spoke to, asked me to re-apply from scratch. Dan, my special appreciation and thanks for your valuable assistance and support! Hopefully, the next time I apply will be a winner.

deals dealer

Followed your advice and was approved! (after closing an old Ink with 5k credit)


Does anyone know if I applied last night for the ink unlimited, will it keep it still to one pull if I apply again now this morning for another one? Thx!

Dale M

Was denied for the 90k Ink a couple weeks ago. Called the recon number today and without asking, they transferred me to a specialist. He took about 3 minutes to re-allocate from another Ink card. Even better: he asked if I needed it expedited. Sure. Card is supposed to arrive by Thursday.


how long ago did you apply? More then a month?


WHat credit score do you need to be approved for this card?


What does a non profit do for revenue in the application?


is there a time frame how long after submitting the application you can recon. ?


30 days form initial application

blah said toad

I have a small (sole proprietor) biz, income goes on my personal tax return, no official documentation to speak of. They are asking for Proof of legal name and physical address for business and Proof of federal tax id for business. Sent my license and ss card but they want for the business. Any ideas?


Received the same, any idea what to send them

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