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Are you ready to start law school in the fall? The Law School Success Seminar will teach you the tools you need to understand and organize what you learn in your law school classes so you can apply it on the final exams. In addition, it will give you a preview of basic first-year classes as well as how to score a highly-regarded internship or job your first summer in law school. The program is highly interactive and includes more than 12 hours of instruction time.
We also offer the Legal Writing Success Workshop. Every first-year law student takes a legal writing course. If you did not write extensively in college (40+ pages per semester), you need this course to bring you up to the level of your classmates who did. Even if you did write extensively, you will get a head start on how to understand cases and apply them to a hypothetical problem by writing—and rewriting—a short legal memo. You will receive detailed comments on your draft and final memo plus an individual conference with the instructor. No other pre-law school program provides a similar level of one-on-one instruction in legal writing.
These programs are especially helpful if you received most or all of your college credits from a yeshiva.
Classes are given in Brooklyn during the week of July 29, 2013. E-mail or call 347-381-9297 for more information and to receive 25% off the Law School Success Seminar.