20% Off One Item At H&M

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Coupon Linky (Exp: 05/27)

You can print the coupon or show it on your phone.

Disclaimer: The link above contains a non-tznius picture.

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17 Comments On "20% Off One Item At H&M"

All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.

Vihaya Machanecha Kadosh

Dan, I am very appreciative for all your wonderful sales and deals you post for all to benefit. You are usually very careful when discerning appropriate links. Please try to use more sensitivity in your judgement before posting a link to a coupon which has a highly offensive photo on the coupon itself. You will be held accountable acharei meah viesrim for all your followers who will view the assur image when connected via your link. Thank you for keeping our Machane kadosh!


@Vihaya Machanecha Kadosh:

Then you should never step foot in an H&M store. Who knows what kind of pritzus you’ll encounter. Also, glad to see the smutz patrol is on duty.


@Vihaya Machanecha Kadosh: Whats wrong with that photo, why dont you just get off the computer and read a book where you will not see any pics of anyone that might get you excited?

Liam Knuj

Hey! What’s the problem? Thay’s my wife you’re kvetching about!


@ Michael: Orthodox Jews say have a commandment of “Vlo sasuru acharei eineichem”. What’s wrong with that photo is that it violates that prohibition for a male to view it. The original poster wants to be able to use the internet without exposing his eyes to things that are forbidden, not to read a book. I hope this clears things up for you.

Agree with the OP

On a frum site it would be nice to not have to worry about our men seeing inappropriate things

Maybe make a disclaimer next time, dan?
(I had seen this done in the past)


I agree with Vihaya Machanecha Kadosh. It is possible and ok to shop online while still guarding your eyes. Whats wrong with the linky is that you would never suspect an innocent coupon to have a that kind of photo. Maybe the following would be helpful:

May 23rd, 2013
20% Off One Item At H&M
Coupon Linky (Exp: 05/27)
You can print the coupon or show it on your phone. CAUTION: COUPON CONTAINS HIGHLY OFFENSIVE IMAGE!


agreed: i go on this site bec i know its kosher. to have to click on that bec i missed the disclaimer bec my wife always shops there and i thought i would give her i was taken aback by the link on this site!!! it aint worth the 20% in the long run….

Vihaya Machanecha Kadosh

Thank you Dan.


I printed off this coupon before the disclaimer was put up and I didn’t even notice the pritzus. Maybe it’s because I’m a female


Just walked by an H&M and there were pictures of girls in bikinis is the window.
How should I attone??


thats pritzus to u? wow.. good to see pple are still slightly sheltered..


@Sam : it’s not funny. Come on grow up.


whats the problem.

just close your eyes as you click on the link. then cover your screen and press Ctrl P. put it in an envelope and hand it over to the cashier.


Another disclaimer: H&M sells horrible quality clothing.
The fabrics and construction are quite mediocre.

So the frumme velt isn’t loosing out.


thanx dan for evrything u do just know in life theres always gana be haters to find something wrong u dont have to listen to them the problem is not realy the photo the problem is them.


Amazing how people can always find the negative things in life!
