Huge Sale On Jewish Hardcover Books! Books From Just $1.10 After $20 Price Drop From Amazon!

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HT: thaber.

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31 Comments On "Huge Sale On Jewish Hardcover Books! Books From Just $1.10 After $20 Price Drop From Amazon!"

All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.


I’m worried this is going to hurt jewish authors or publishers because it is a mistake?


where can we find more?


A Visa or Your Life and Who Can Fix my Cuckoo Clock are back to normal pricing 🙁


This one sounds interesting, from a local author:


Oasis back to normal -regular price…

Zachary Snyder

The Animated Haggadah book, a true classic, is only $5.99:

(The actual DVD is crazy expensive nowadays!)


How much is the VHS worth?

Eric from Dallas

Excellent Haggadah, recommended!

Dani G

This one by Rabbi Lamm Zt”l is super cheap!


Bought almost all now
Thanks JJ

Dani G
Asher Katz

Man of Faith in the Modern World: Reflections of the Rav (Vol 2) (English and Hebrew Edition)


Was anyone able to find short story books?


Vatisaeni Ruach – Borne Upon A Spirit: Vayikra by Rabbi Sabato
$5.58. Timely.

Eric from Dallas

Thank you, JJ and thaber – ordered a bunch! Some have already returned to full price, act quickly…


Halacha Yomis: A Daily Halachic Companion
By Rabbi Yaakov Luban and Rabbi Eli Gersten
Was $32.95 Save $29.60 (90%)

Shortly before the petirah in 2016 of Rabbi Chaim Yisroel Belsky zt l, a renowned halachic authority and one of the senior poskim of the Orthodox Union Kosher division, the OU began a daily halacha email in his merit, containing one halacha each day composed by a team of OU rabbis. After Rav Belsky s passing, the highly popular Halacha Yomis email has continued in his memory, sponsored by Gerald and Karin Feldhamer. This Halacha Yomis volume contains a wide selection of entries from the Halacha Yomis email series, consisting of 354 halachos, one for each day of the Hebrew calendar year. With each halacha presented in a clear, succinct and highly readable fashion, Halacha Yomis strikes the balance between accessibility to beginners and examination of laws that are not well-known even to advanced students. As attested to by the thousands of subscribers who have been reading and enjoying the email version of this halacha series for years, Halacha Yomis is a worthy companion to the study and observance of halacha in our times.

Elliot Rambod

This one also, I preordered this when it came out for over $20.


Is sin-agouge from the mashgiach of YU on sale?

Elliot Rambod

I didn’t see it when I was browsing, but I did read that book and it’s pretty good, also I don’t think he is a mashgiach at YU, I think he’s one of the directors at ncsy
