HURRY! Zegna Fabric Suits For Just $100 And Much More On Sale For Men, Women, And Kids From Century21 After An Additional 75% Off Sale Items!

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For example Zegna Fabric Suits are just $100 shipped after 75% off. Find more suits on sale here.

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HT: crazycat, via reddit.

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17 Comments On "HURRY! Zegna Fabric Suits For Just $100 And Much More On Sale For Men, Women, And Kids From Century21 After An Additional 75% Off Sale Items!"

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Anyone know about Shatnez with these suits. Thanks.


Promo Code “C21SHIP11” For Free Shipping ($10+)

CLE Rocks

Sold out of most sizes.


Warning! Some of the Hugo Boss blazers say that they are 84% wool and 3% linen “shell”


44 Regular gone in both. Congrats to anyone who got – LBM suits are amazing.


do you think they will ship it?


Yes, this is not a mistake – its a clearance sale on certain limited merch.


return policy?


Should be 45 days


please don’t buy anything by Hugo Boss! His father – who started the company – was an loyal and active member of the Nazi party who designed most of the uniforms for the Nazis. (Please google it – this is fact.) Almost very child of survivors will tell you they bear the pain and anguish, and suffer tremendously even though they never physically experienced what their parents did in the Holocaust. So too, let the child of the perpetrators pay for the sins of the father.
There are plenty of other designers to buy from.

Are you for real!

Why should children suffer the stupidity of their parents? This is great grandchildren. Let’s be thee change and show the world a better place. That’s terrible.


Let’s agree to disagree. My parents went through gehenim. i won’t forgive yet, nor will i patronize anybody with nazi blood coursing through their veins (and not a great grand-child!) So, by all means.. you be the change.. buy German all the way…


I am a child of survivors. I can tell you that my life and my children’s lives are still affected by the holocaust. My parents OBM tried to shield us but things as simple as arriving home late or approaching a large dog elicited fears which could not be hidden.
My Father, OBM, was being harassed by a Black sanitation agent on a daily basis. The fear that she caused in him, fear of a uniform, paralyzed him. (We had this handled by the Inspector General, she could not answer why she was harassing my Father during her off hours and in a Borough she was not assigned to. They put her on notice but took no action against her.)
My Father had nothing against German people later on but would not condone giving business to a NAZI family.


The children could have at least apologized or shown remorse for Hugo’s sick lifestyle/ views, by ignoring it, they clearly condone it or have no issues with it.

Mia Flyer

Ralph Lauren suit for $60


I bought two Zegna fabric suits and they did not have shatnez. But u never know


Suits can be made by different manufacturers, using or claiming to use Zegna fabric. There might be more than one Zegna!
