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Just wanted to give a shout-out to the 120 folks who reserved seats and showed up to the first ever DansDeals seminar. I was inspired by the incredible diversity of backgrounds among the attendees, it was truly a beautiful sight.
As I mentioned it was my first public speaking experience and I had a lot of fun presenting and answering your questions!
If you were a seminar attendee I’d love to hear your feedback. So whether you loved it or hated it, learned a ton or learning nothing at all, please post a comment and let me know your thoughts and what I can improve upon in future seminars.
Congrats to the trivia question winners of the AA first class pajamas+amenity kit and the Tateossian airplane cufflinks.
Thanks guys!
Per request, here are some pictures from the event:
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67 Comments On "Thanks For Coming!"
All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.
Wanted to ask a question at the seminar but couldnt get in over the crowd….: out of that pie chart you displayed, depicting the makeup of our credit scores, a large portion was proportion of account used. Does it affect my credit if I dont fully pay off my bill every month? I always believed that carrying a balance is bad for your credit, but I dont see how that factored on your chart…..Thanks!
P.s. Had a great time. Next time, lets find a bigger place.
I didn’t attend the seminar but I know someone that did he told me it was the smartest thing he did he said he learned a lot. He didn’t get specific on what he learned but I’ll tell you when (not if) you make one in lkwd or clev I’ll definitely be there!
Dan, you did a fantastic job! Next seminar for intermediate/advanced?! Thank you!
Was very good but a little to n00bish for me. Nice refresher. Looking forward to more advanced course!
how about coming to LA or Skype?
Hey Dan, sounds like everyone really enjoyed and and learned alot at the seminar.
I just want to let you know that you have ALOT of fans/clientele in Lakewood. It would be great if you could make it down here one day!
I’m sure if you made a seminar in lkwd it would be booked up in no time even with a 500 seat capacity.
Was really cool. Thanks.
In terms of feedback – I think the airline stuff was a bit too much to absorb at once for most newbies….but was definitely useful for me since I spent a fair amt of time researching it in the past.
CC stuff was really well done.
Overall was better than expected.
Awesome seminar. I loved it all. It contained a lot of secret info i never knew of.
I was there last night and it was great,informative really fun and definetly something you should look into doing more. I thought it was extremly helpful im a noob so it was perfect!!
I went and it was excellent, I think you should go through all the slides first and leave an hour or so for people to ask questions, so like this you can go through everything and give equal time to every subject.
Dan –
Awesome seminar, as noted by a commenter above, better than anticipated. Left with a wealth of knowledge. I especially loved learning about the ITA advanced routing codes.
My only feedback for a future seminar would be to lay out ground rules to have a more structured seminar, such as only taking questions after every 10 slides or so and for only 10 minutes or so. While many of the questions were relevant and informative to all, some of them became more specific to the individual, and I was hoping that I’d be able to stick around for all the prepared slides and still get home at a decent hour.
Otherwise, awesome seminar. Looking forward to the next level seminar. Thanks Dan!
I couldnt make it last night
whens the next one gonna be?
As A and Mendy said, it was a good seminar but you should have had all questions at the end. This way you get the information out and then afterwords, whoever has questions or wants to stay can. Other than that, great seminar, thanks!
Is there anyway that I can get a recording of it?
Thanks Dan!
Great Seminar, you can see everyone had a huge smile on their face! I personally think you were speaking a bit too fast for people who never heard of alot of these things. Next time maybe consider a microphone as many people next to me kept missing things. Questions should also be at the end and not after every sentence. Also seemed like the organizers were rushing you. Keep up the great work!
next time if u can stream it live it would be greatly appreciated by all
if there is any way to get a recording of it i would love to listen to it
thanks dan
Great seminar! really learned alot!
Dan- I clicked on this post, and I got a popup from sitemeter asking for a username & password. Another blog I visited this morning mentioned this problem on their blog. Just wanted to give you a heads up.
Awesome seminar! Thanks a lot Dan! I learned a lot.
A few comments:
– Awesome seminar! Very detailed and comprehensive!
– Great speaker! You did an awesome job!
– Section on priceline was too fast (I was not able to take all the necessary notes)
yes I would love to get a copy of the video or audio recording. maybe post on youtube and share the link
How about posting the seminar on youtube for those of us who weren’t able to attend?
Next seminary in Madison square garden!!!!
I second that, for the females in our midst, who like a deal just as much as you guys do.
“Give unto us therefore a possession among the brethren of our father”.
Please consider a live webinar in future.
You sounded like a natural speaker. Some of your yiddish Lingo should be in English next time as there were people there not from the Jewish faith.
Can you please post the seminar or a cd of it
Can we please get a seminar in Lakewood. You would be accorded Rock star status here.
I was there and Dan truely gave over a great presentation. Dan is the man!!!
@David: Same just happened to me.
which topics were covered?
since this was only for men, I think it would be wonderful if you can have a live feed of seminar. Ladies also have a interest this!!!
@New DD’er:
Carrying a balance negatively affects your credit utilization ratio, a huge portion of your score.
I do hope to make one in Cleveland sometime soon, as far as Lakewood, if you have a hall and would like to host by all means send me an email and we’ll try to coordinate.
As I said, it was targeted to the beginner-intermediate crowd.
I’m game for an LA seminar if there’s a place that wants to host.
Definitely, there has to be a more structured way to take questions.
I’m just not sure what the ideal solution is though.
I would have loved to have a better Q&A session at the end, but I was being pressed in middle of the seminar to wrap things up as they had to lock up.
It did take much longer than I thought it would, but there were just tons of great questions.
Yup, had to start speaking faster as they wanted things to be wrapped up!
But everyone really was smiling ear to ear, it was a really great thing to see!
If I did a streaming/recorded version I may have to sanitize some things…v”dal.
I’ve removed site meter, let me know if it still happens.
Yup, by the time I got to Priceline they were ready to yank me off the platform by a hook…was definitely too rushed there, sorry!
@Deal lover:
I will definitely insist on a host that can accommodate women next time.
Don’t think I said too much in yiddish besides for maybe “Hock a chainik” which I then translated.
One person commented that I had condensed 100 hours of DansDeals Forum reading down to 2.5 hours…which was exactly my goal!
As I said earlier my preference is to do these seminars in person, so stay tuned for a future seminar that will be able to accommodate everyone!
Is the priceline topic in the forum?
@Dan: whats your email address- Id like to be in touch with you about arrangeing a lakewood seminar.
was it a speech or did dan use powerpoint slides?
how long did it last?
Please let us know when you will doing a seminar for ladies in Lakewood. Thank you.
I could help arrange it if you need.
@dan Shtick is another I remember and a few other words. Overall it was great
Was the event only for men? If so, why?
I think 2.5 hours before they had to lock up.
I had timed it without questions at 40 minutes.
Lol, yup.
It was at the insistence of the hosts based on the logistics of the location, though based on the flak I got for agreeing to it I don’t think I’ll agree to such conditions again.
More info:
Please do it for women too in Crown Heights, I know allot of ladies who would attend….
Great site, I check it all day….
Dan is a JEW with beared?
you are the king of credit cards/ benefits, points miles and anything.
any video link of the seminar for us to learn online?
Dan, great seminar!
Dan, I have a location on the Upper West Side of Manhattan (a school) to host a seminar. How can we speak about hosting you here? thanks!
Why on earth was the aron not covered?!?!
we need a seminar in lkwd!!! u will have tonz of peoples there
WOOPS! It seems as though you have inadvertently posted the pictures from someones bar mitzah instead of your seminar. HA!
can we access your powerpoint slides online?
i was at the seminar, but it was allot of information to remember and write down, anyway to kinda “review” it?
just a note about F/R from amex, if you add authorized users ( in this case it was the platinum card) i added two users within a week that triggered aa F/R
if i add myself as an authrized user to an account that is aged does that calculate as if i have credit since then to build my aged avrege on the accounts,or it would still come up as if i only have credit from the date i opened my first card? also when the account that i’m added on max out his avalible credit would that affect my credit negativly? just one more question how soon after getting my first secured card will i probably get approved from a regular card such as the amex platinum?
I think women would like to have the same opportunity.
nice pics JJ!
Is there a way to stream it to a limited group of viewers?
dan please i wasnt able to make it yesturday pls is there nay way you can sell copies of this slide presentation for the heimishe oilem
I would like to get an audio recording as well if it is available. Also, if you would like to do a seminar in the L.A. area, I might have a place for you as well.
Kanner Hall or Moshe Ganz Hall? (LA)
would love to watch it online too.
Thanks a ton, yes I agree the very diverse crowed was awesome, I just hope my feeling that the CC companies sent a dude or 2 is wrong :).
you did great for a first time public speaker, just you need to keep it to like 5 questions per slide or something like that?.
You should for sure continue to do this, maybe target specific area’s each time.
dan i enjoyed it very much but there was one issue im a little confused by….. how come you kept on thinking that there should have been light refreshments….. we were there for you not for light refreshments
How about holding next one in Baltimore, where hotel and conference space is CHEAP, transportation is a bargain via Megabus, kosher food is abundant and most importantly Tons of people will show!
dan you’re sooo geshicked!! do you have any posts on priceline?
thanks dan for the seminar it was great at least the parts i understood and its crazy how much info you know off hand
well am a real beginner i just thought i would it would be more explained you did explain in the beginning but i guess you thought that there wasn’t that meany real beginner
thanks you did a great job
u really educated everybody!! it’s the new hack!!
do u think for all of us that can’t make it … can u make a webinar?
Dan, I am a big fan of your site, but this is not a picture of “incredible diversity.” It is not diversity at all.
@dan: don’t get me wrong you did an awesome job! Thanks again!
Do you think you can share again your tricks for priceline? Would be greatly appreciated
Is there any way to buy it Abyone that recorded it willing to sell me a copy?
Hi Dan,
I attended with a friend and it was a great seminar! I just think that this seminar was more intermediate then beginner. I spend some time on your site, so I understood more, m
y friend however was a new-bee and had no clue what was flying. The other thing is the rushing up the seminar towards the second hour. I just believe that if there wouldn’t be so many questions, then you would have more time to explain the things you said and we wouldn’t have to rush so much, so yeh, a system for questions would definitely be a must for next time. Otherwise, I got a lot of ideas what I can do (although I am not sure HOW to do everything..) and in overall it was a very successful night. By the way, I live in Lakewood and came in special for this. It was worth it every second!!