Update: DEAD!
Update: You may be able to get free hotel accommodation and free round-trip airport transfers. See this page for more information about how to arrange for that.
- Bookable via Momondo. Fees will be charged for all changes and cancellations, even within 24 hours!
- Limited seats are available on each date.
- Always search for 1 seat and then work the search up to the number of seats you need in order to book as many seats on sale as you can.
- Use a card like Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card or Sapphire Reserve to earn 2 or 3 Chase points per dollar spent and get free travel/medical insurance, trip/luggage delay protection, and more!
- This fare is not valid for flights originating in Israel.
- Air Serbia has some incredible fares from JFK to Tel Aviv via Belgrade, Serbia in Eastern Europe.
- An overnight stopover is required on the return flight.
- No visa is required for US or Israeli citizens.
- 2 checked bags are included for free.
- Many DDF members have flown to Israel on Air Serbia with an overnight connection and have given the airline and the city positive reviews including jr611, Emkay, gozalim, and more.
Sample itinerary:
Sample dates (Use these links to get this fare. You may need to remain on the page for several minutes for the fare to appear!)
- August 26-September 4: $463
- September 2-11: $321
- September 2-15: $344
- September 9-18: $288
- September 9-22: $293
- September 16-22: $315
- September 16-24: $302
- September 16-October 2: $283
- September 23-October 6: $283
- September 23-October 23: $278
- March 23-April 1: $297
- March 30-April 5: $311
- March 30-April 19: $297
- April 6-April 19: $324
- April 6-April 22: $324
- April 20-29: $324
- April 27-May 6: $311
- May 4-13: $329
- May 4-17: $329
- May 11-20: $329
- May 11-24: $329
- May 18-24: $329
- May 18-31: $329
- May 25-June 3: $329
- May 25-June 7: $382
- June 1-10: $382
- June 1-14: $382
- June 8-16: $436
- June 8-17: $436
- June 8-21: $436
- June 15-23: $436
- June 15-24: $436
Post what other valid dates you find!
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HT: Jacob S
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70 Comments On "HOT! Air Serbia: JFK To Tel Aviv From $278 Round-Trip, Including Pesach Dates!"
All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.
Is it SAFE?
Lol, yes it is.
he just said yea vus fregst du?
Till when i 24 hr. cancellation?
Read the first line of the post.
It didn’t say the last part when I typed the question.
When I go to the final booking page for 4/6-4/19 it’s showing 762 pp.
Yes, it most certainly did.
Did you use the date link in the post? Seems to still be working for me.
I did, but I updated it to 4 passengers. Must I do one at a time?
Post screenshot. Only on 1 or 2 of your links was I able to see the correct price until the booking page as of 12:15 AM EST
Dan can you book it for me and my 37 relatives? And also is it only from Ny???……just joking:)
Do you recommend any place in particular to spend the required overnight?
You may be able to get accommodated for free!
Try contacting them, but lets wait until the deal is dead 🙂
Misleading title
are there sukkos dates?
Sample dates are in the post.
If you find better ones let us know.
Anyone book? Can’t get past momondo
Sukkot 2019 will begin in the evening of
Sunday, October 13
and ends in the evening of
Sunday, October 20
Yom Kippur 2019 will begin in the evening of
Tuesday, October 8
and ends in the evening of
Wednesday, October 9
Passover 2020 will begin in the evening of
Wednesday, April 8
and ends in the evening of
Thursday, April 16
are there tickets for those dates?
Yes but simchas torah doesn’t end until Tuesday night, October 22. Yom tov starts again Sunday night, goes thru Monday and Tuesday.
Anyone manage to book? On the final page it’s saying 762 per passenger.
Can’t redirects me to CheapOair and there the price is higher
i need sukkos dates asap!
Sukkot 2019 will begin in the evening of
Sunday, October 13
and ends in the evening of
Sunday, October 20
Sukkot 2019 will start in the evening of
Sunday, October 13
and ends in the evening of
Sunday, October 20
You could have googled the Sukkos dates in less time than it took you to post that.
i meant to ask if there available tickets for the dates of sukkos
FAIL – keeps doubling the price in the checkout process “The price of your flight has changed from $344.13 to $774.13”
Strange, I was getting the fare on Cheapoair before posting, but now it’s not redirecting to the flight.
May be dead already.
Yup. Looks dead
YQ is missing from what you see on cheapoair and is being added back in. I twice got the price you posted at 12:15, but even then it was spotty.
not what date sukkos come out
i can look that up as well
i need dates that have these prices that work for sukkos
thanks anyways
Doesn’t look bookable, @Dan are you still able to pull it up?
March 23 – April 1 sold out
i think dead
June dates are still correctly pricing after the redirect:
That isn’t the booking page. Go to the end and see if it changes.
Sure it is. The credit card information is required on that page.
Just clicked those dates again and now it’s going to the wrong page with all of the airlines. Very odd.
Anyone book? I suspect this was DOA…
It’s the booking page but even at 12:15 if I scrolled down to pay it was saying 762 pp.
Wasn’t like that for me or the tipster who emailed me. I guess I spent too long finding all the sample dates…
Oh well.
Next time book for yourself first:)
I actually usually do on Priceline, but it’s free and easy to cancel with them.
Not showing up for me.
Seems to be very buggy now.
Would I be able to sell my ticket to someone else if I see the site doesn’t work in the end?
Week of Shavuos available for 2 travelers…..
Updating this one as dead, but post if you have any luck or find any trick to booking it.
May 25-June 3 still showing $330 for 2 travelers
Anyone find dates with more than 2 tickets available
can i do september 1st departing from jfk and october 6 returning from tlv and get the deal
clicking on your dates. I don’t see any of these prices. minimum is 693 no air serbia in sight
Is this a safe airline for girls to travel alone?
I watched it change before my eyes to $750.b Wow
I think is sold out….
I booked. I could have sworn the screen still said the lower price of around $297. But the email says I was charged $655 each. Of course, I did this so quickly I didn’t think to grab a screenshot. Now I am chatting with CheapOAir to see if I can cancel. Did my eyes trick me or did the price change on me after I clicked. I wish I knew. Anyone else have this happen to them?
None of them are bookable as of 104am
Also, although Dan’s post said there was no cancellation window, it did say on the Momondo/CheapOAir website that there was 24 cancellation. Did anyone grab a screenshot of this? Thanks.
The person I chatted was able to cancel the booking (I think). She said I hadn’t even been charged yet, so there was nothing to refund.
some of the June dates are still live!
maybe some more didn’t check all of them
I still see it on CheapOair at the checkout page for $322. Don’t want to put in cc info to see if it processes
Air Serbia’s Free Night offer is interesting. I subscribed to their newsletter.
Country of Origin field offers “America” not “USA”. Quaint (at best).
How can it be expired already it just posted?
This was posted 8 hours ago…
A similar thing happened to me a couple of weeks ago.
I got $264 one way (didn’t want to do round trip because I didn’t know of hotel deal) on kayak->cheapoair. This price wasn’t available on cheapo directly, or on airserbia.com, or any other site I found. Kayak did direct me to the booking form on cheapo where I could have entered my cc for this price.
But two days later when I finally decided to go for it, the price was still listed on kayak, but then when it took me to cheapo, the price wasn’t available.
Seems like some of the flights are still on Momondo for the 278-400 price range, but once you go to CheapOAir, price jumps as you check out. So warning y’all, don’t buy em if you don’t wanna be charged.
Is it still possible for me to buy two seats round trip from JFK to Israel in late December 20019?
I booked a flight for my son on air serbia.
Jfk-beg-tlv with an 18 hour stopover.
The airline is telling me that he is only entitled to 1 checked bag.
While the jfk-beg leg is allowed 2 bags, because the beg-tlv flight is only allowed 1 checked bag, if I need 2 bags I would need to pay as the stricter policy prevails.
I have never heard of this.
I figured that since it is a “direct flight” it would be 2 bags for the trip!
(Also that is what Dan had said)
Any idea what is going on?
Can someone help me out here?