Signup For A 6 Month Free Trial Of Prime Student And Get $15 Off $40 From Amazon

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Signup For A 6 Month Free Trial Of PrimeStudent And Get $15 Off $40 From Amazon

If you have a .edu email address you can sign up for a free 6 month membership of Amazon Prime. You can also submit proof of attendance with a tuition bill, acceptance letter, student ID, or transcript.

After signing up for a free Prime Student membership you can save $15 off a $40+ order with code (Exp: 04/16): PRIMESTUDENT

Items must be shipped and sold by Amazon to qualify.

After 6 months Prime Student membership is just $49/year.

HT: You, via DDF

Amazon offers free shipping with $35+ orders or get free next-day shipping on all orders with a free trial of Amazon Prime. Prime members can share benefits with a Household member here, allowing them to double up on Amazon Prime promos!  A 6 month trial and discounted Prime membership is available with Amazon Student. EBT/Medicaid Cardholders can save on Prime Membership here.

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10 Comments On "Signup For A 6 Month Free Trial Of Prime Student And Get $15 Off $40 From Amazon"

All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.


How do i get a .edu email?


What if I already have a prime student account?


@Z: you have to be a new member


@Ephraim: you have to be enrolled in a college or university


Does a kollel letter work?

Daniel Fowles

I AM A STUDENT OF dansdeals . does that count?


@Daniel Fowles:


Only works if you never had an account with account.


I signed up for Amazon Prime prior to seeign this offer with the below link which states the first 30 days are free trial period. Amazon however billed me $10.99 immediately contrary to the stipulated offer. I can’t find a good email to contest the charges. Additionally, since I canceled this subscription and it will expire 4/28 can I resign up with my .edu address to get the student rate now?


Is this offer still valid?
