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36 Comments On "Buying In Bulk…"
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im not sure it has a hechsher,b careful
Now go sell them on Amazon
According to the Star-K, a K on Kelloggs cereal is acceptable.
That’s a whole lot of cereal!
a k is a symbol that the company says all the ingredients in the product are kosher but there is no actual hashgocho on it – so its your own risk
Ya we went and there was only one box! lol thanx dan and we’ll probably go to get more! Enjoy them!!!!!
@ch res:
Yes, and on Kellogg’s the major kashrus agencies say that a K is an acceptable hechsher.
@michael: A better question would be what bracha to make 😉
see http://www.star-k.org/cons-appr-cereal.htm
I am going to go with Rabbi Dan on this one
Kellog products actually are certified by the Vaad Harabonim of New England. For some reason that does not make much sense they only use a K to show that something is kosher instead of the Vaad symbol. If you follow the link you can see what they certify.
Thanks for the link, which confirms that the Special K lowfat granola is indeed certified kosher pareve even with only a K.
So, does anyone know why they only put a K on Kellogg’s?
K on kellogs is beis Din of MA, which is like OU. If code on the top starts with KL.. then its Bishul Isroel. If there is no L after K, then its not.
Most poskim say that granola does not need to be pas yisroel.
has anyone ever seen or tried these before they look so good
Thanks Dan,
Kellogg actually lists kosher certification on every products nutritional information on their website.
So for example Special K lowfat granola is marked kosher while a Special K granola bar is listed as not kosher.
As to why there is only a K I have no idea.
Some companies change kosher agencies numerous amount of times, and it may become costly to keep changing the boxes/wrappers, a k means that “Someone” certifies it as kosher, KVH of New England certifies Kellogg s cereal. If one sees a product with only a k on it, b4 one comes to the conclusion that it is for sure not good, one should call the company and ask who is behind the kosher, they should give u a name of an agency or a local rabbi, who you should call up to confirm that it is indeed kosher.
not all local rabbis or kosher agencies are widely accepted.
Eat at your own risk.
Shabbot Shalom
Those cinnabons are not on any list. Although they say they are kosher on the website.
Who would have thought i can pick up kashrus and halacha info here. Its like a one stop website.
Great piece of info- this K thing always bothered me.
Thanks Dan and fans
I just called and confirmed with the Vaad that Kellogg’s Cinnabon cereal is kosher pareve and under their supervision.
It will appear on their new lists.
You really must like this ….
For 39 cents a box I’ll make myself like it 😉
Is the deal still going on? I only got 10 boxes 🙁
anyways thanks dan,
have a good shabbos
We know what we need to do in such situations, right? Mnay letters from the Rebbe.
Ask A Rav Moire Horoo.
A certain kashrus administrator for the ou said that kellogs cereal with a ‘k’ should NOT be eaten. Other kashrus agencies and major poskim say that its fine. Call up your trusted vaad hakashrus when deciding if you eat kellogs or not.
i fully agree with you, and furthermore ask your parents what they do/what their minhag is…
Following family traadition is what keeps klal yisroel together. The major question would be “what do i do if my minhag says i cant eat it but my rav says i can?”
i cant stress this enough: PLEASE ask a rov.
I just came back from a Target in MI. They took my coupons (with unique SNs, not copies), but said that from now on they won’t accept online coupons. I don’t know whether it’s a corporate decision or just a local thing.
Picked up today 10 boxes at Target-Lakewood. They guy at register asked me how come a lot of jewish people got the same coupon?
They don’t know that we have a good friend DAN who shares the good stuff with us!!!
Thanks Dan!
What I’ve heard about the K on Kellogg’s (and the glass frappuccino Starbucks drinks) is that for some companies, they don’t not want to pay the huge cost of having a mainstream hechsher’s fees, but will hire a reliable [mainstream] rav to certify anyway. Obviously this is not across the board oan any K you see and you have to check each product with a trusted rav/mashgiach. For instance, last time I checked, the Starbucks refrigerated drinks you find in-store were under Rabbi Charlap’s hechsher and were okay use use. Again, just because something has a K does NOT make it kosher, then again, some products that DO have one are legit and just need to be verified.
i didnt know that aside of great deals, this website also has halachig discussions. and according to the theme of pessach “if only for that “dan”yeinu” ”
keep it going.
@Anonymous: ask a rov about what?
Who eats this cereal in your household?
….If it were Fiber-one, I would appreciate that volume!
We both do now!
That and a container of the Chocolate/Vanilla Zen pudding from Whole foods and I’ve got a breakfast of champions for under a buck!
Did I mention anything about Kashrus? Why are you harrassing me more than anyone else here?
Is the special K still on sale today. I see the coupon is still valid……but the sale price is?
It’s dead now.