On The Road: NYC And Israel Trip Notes, Update #1.

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Note: As this site has always been about travel and deals I’m going to try and incorporate both aspects as I post trip reports from the road.  Regular deals will still be posted so if you don’t like the trip reports-just skip ’em!

I’d like to thank Amigo-US for making possible and being the official sponsor of the updating of Dansdeals.com while I’ll be in Israel!

Right now I’m posting from 30,000 feet in the air aboard Airtran flight #201 from Akron, OH to LaGuardia.

Airtran has GoGo wi-fi on all of their planes and it’s free through 08/31 with code: 159FLT3161

You have to first create an account and then select the $9.95 flight access in order to be able to enter in the code for free access.

Speeds are decent, about 2 Mbps download and 350 Kbps upload.  I can’t say that I would ever spend $10 for internet access on a 1 hour flight, but I’ll sure use it when it’s free!

With my Airtran Elite status my wife Mimi and I both received complementary battlefield upgrades to business class at 20 minutes prior to departure due to some no-shows.  There were half a dozen folks that requested to purchase upgrades after I had requested my elite upgrades, so kudos to the gate agent for not selling them out from under my feet! In the upgrade world a battlefield upgrade is any upgrade that does not clear in advance, and has to be cleared by a gate agent.

XM radio is free on all Airtran flights, but there’s nothing that I really want to listed to at this time of the morning.  It would be nice to have though when flying during a ballgame! There is a nice selection of free premium drinks (non-alcoholic and alcoholic) in business class and there even a few kosher parve snacks like kettle chips and granola bars that are most appreciated.

We leave to Israel on Continental flight 84 next Sunday! It’s been 2 years since I was last there, so I can’t wait!

Know any great activities anywhere in Israel that you’d like to share?  Have something you’d like me to write about from Israel? Post ’em here in a comment!

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19 Comments On "On The Road: NYC And Israel Trip Notes, Update #1."

All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.


Hey Dan check out the Machlis house in Jerusalem for shabbos they have around two hundred people and its really amazing!


Hey Dan,

Thanks for keeping us posted! Looking forward to all your reports!


hey Dan, cant wait for for report on what COs Business First is like, you are going in Biz arent you?


forgot Please dont forget to file a report what The Mamilla Hotel is like and how small the studio rooms are, you did say you had a C&P from *W for this trip and that *W didnt cancel you out


Go to the blind museum in Tel Aviv. Its awesome. You get to experience what it’s like to be in a blind person’s shoes with a completely black museum with no lights and a blind tourguide leading you along with your own stick. REALY COOL! It’s in the Holon Children’s museum. Check it out!


Hey dan mind telling us how u got the tickets to israel?


Dan, I agree with Post # 1 what Levi said to check out the “Machlis house in Jerusalem for Shabbos” and post what you think about it and how your expirance was. I cant wait to hear about it, because when you do goto their house it will be a great Shabbos expirance.


Can you do the blind museum with kids?

Also, Dan – please let us know what activities you recommend, as we are planning a trip next week as well (without all the free upgrades). Thanks.


@Levi: Yeah its pretty cool, but if you do go plan on being squashed up against the table and the two people sitting on either side of you!

marc h

Shame on you for not having gone to Israel in the last two years. Someone of your stature with all the mileage accumulation shold have gone at least once since. I am iyh going back for Sukkot so please post your findings in best cell phone service(cheapest and easiest) and also for a wireless card which I plan on renting two.


Hey Dan, While in Israel, can you see if you can get a fully functional american cell phone through GV and Gizmo5 or any other VIOP client on a mobile phone with 24/7 data service (or wifi)? let us know if you can function with free US/Canada calling on your mobile with incoming and outgoing calls throughout your trip.


mazel tov on your brother in law eitan.



I’m surprised that someone like you still hasen’t gotten a report on the Mamilla hotel, since you are so concerned for your upcoming stay!


Idiot, u gave away the thing with the blind museum, but it is amazing. You can do segway tours of Ir Dovid and the old city.


deos skype or any viop service work while you are on a plane???

Avid Reader

Thanks Dan, looking forward to your reports, I love them!


Heading to Israel next week and wanted to thank you for the US Air silver preferred membership. I told a bunch of people to check out your website to use the promotion.
Looking forward to your reports.

tonz of stuf to do!

therez tonz uv stuf to do! vered haglil cabins, golan-ramot nofesh resort cabins, or any other zimmer up north! katzrin-winery,oil mill,mei eden factory,kfar blum kayaking, megiddo national park,banias park,herziliya marina-boating, caesaria archaeology park, yerushalayim-pottery painting at kikar safra…
but- you def need vehicle to get around!hav funn!


Just think it’s amusing that the average flier would post details about the plane’s altitude and speed…yet you are first and foremost concerned about quality of internet, lol!! 🙂 “Speeds are decent, about 2 Mbps download and 350 Kbps upload.”

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