24,800 Points…And A Free Slurpee; Last Days To Finish Freedom Q3 Bonus Spending

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Update: Tuesday is the final day to finish bonus spending for Q3 on your Freedom card. 

You can register for Q4 spending now as well.

Click here to see which department stores qualify for 5 points per dollar in Q4. You’ll also earn 5 points per dollar at Amazon.com and Zappos.com.


Originally posted on 09/09/14:

-Chase Freedom Visa-Earn 10,000 Ultimate Rewards points when you spend $500 in 3 months plus 2,500 points for adding an additional user.
There is no annual fee for Chase Freedom!

I just got back from 7-Eleven where I picked up 9 OneVanilla cards and a slurpee.    Most 7-Eleven’s are categorized as gas stations even if they don’t sell gas, you can confirm each one on the Visa merchant categorization site if you have a Visa card.

$4,500 worth of cards cost me $4,544.55 spread across 3 of my Freedom cards. They had to bring rung up one at a time. When that was all done I reminded the clerk about my slurpee and he said that’s on the house 😀

The purchase will earn 24,800 points and liquidating the cards won’t be hard at all.

We’re in the last month of Q3, so you have until the end of the month to earn 5 points per dollar spent at gas stations and Kohl’s.  Other gas stations and Kohl’s also sell gift cards good for other stores.

09/14 will be the last day to activate your Q3 Chase Freedom 5% categories. Although they are called “5% categories” you really get 5 Ultimate Rewards points per dollar spent which can be cashed out for 5% cash. For $1,500 in spending you will earn at least 7,500 Ultimate Rewards points. If you or your spouse has a Chase Sapphire Preferred® CardInk Plus, or Ink Bold card you can transfer Freedom points over to one of those cards and then transfer them at a 1:1 ratio into much more valuable airline miles (United, British Airways, Southwest, Korean, Singapore, etc) or hotel points (Hyatt, etc).  The $1,500 quarterly limit is per Freedom card.

Until 2016 if you have a Chase checking account you will also earn a 10% bonus on all points earned.  That means you’ll earn a whopping 5.5 points per dollar in these categories or 8,250 points each quarter. Those points post for the prevous year in February.

On 09/15 you’ll be able to register for Q4 which includes Amazon.com, Zappos.com, and Department stores.

Of course if you have an Ink Plus, Ink Bold, or Ink Cash card you will earn 5 Ultimate Rewards points per dollar spent all year round on telecom, cable, internet, as well as everything from office supply stores, which includes gift cards to other stores and prepaid cash cards that can be used anywhere.With the Bold/Plus cards that’s capped at $50,000 per year and with the Cash card that’s capped at $25,000 per year. Plus the Ink Visa cards earn 1% cash back on top of 5 points per dollar for $200+ purchases at Staples and other stores with Visa Savings Edge.  The cards also earn 2 points per dollar year-round at gas stations and either hotels (Bold/Plus) or dining (Cash).

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69 Comments On "24,800 Points…And A Free Slurpee; Last Days To Finish Freedom Q3 Bonus Spending"

All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.


Hi Dan, can you please tell me the easiest way to pay my mortgage with a CC?


@dan. Don’t you feel awkward going to WM and emptying $2k of $200 GC’s ?? I sure do … And same with unloading at FD.


Whyd you wait so long to tell us about 7/11 coding as a gas station!!??
But thank you :]


3 Freedoms – are they in others’ names, or can you maintain multiple concurrently?


Will the freedom card give 5% back next quarter when using Amazon payments?



I was planning on going tomorrow to 7 Eleven. How many more cards did they have after you almost bought them out? 🙂


Please explain how you liquidated these cards?
Vanilla cards don;t work anymore to load on bluebird and Evolve only lets one payment per account per month. Unless you used 5 Amazon accounts?


How do I check how much I spent under the q3 eligible purchases?



He’s been saying that for years already… You must have been sleeping.





Use the ATM?

You can downgrade from sapphire preferred…


Left some for ya 😉

Vanilla loads once again at WM and even easier at Family dollar to serve cards.

But money orders are easiest.

And I still have several evolve bills.

Check your activity and tally it up?


The 711 I checked only carried reloadable gift cards. Is the one vanilla reloadable too and are there any reloadable cards that can be loaded on serve etc?


YYK says yes and Dan says no. Hmmmmmmmm lol


so you don’t think doing over $500 at a gas station in one day is a problem with chase?

Dan's the man

@dee: Don’t worry dee. Chase knows Dan and Dan knows Chase. There’s no way they’d shut down Dan. After all they know Dan is the Man.
You’d probably be ok also. I personally don’t usually do more than 1 per card per day at 7-11.


I’ve done it several times.


Does the savingsedge still work with Staples for visa cards? Did not notice it on the current statement.



Dan, I could’ve sworn Amazon payments worked in past years for 5% cashback… I trust your opinion over my memory but then what did we do in previous 4th quarters for Amazon. Please refresh my memory. Thanks!

nathan eibishitz

DAN, I am mad as heck right now. I went out of my way late at night after maariv tonight to drive to seven eleven to get some one vanillas and load them up. I get to the cash register with my three $500 OneVanilla cards slurppe freezing up my left hand and an eager chase freedom heating up my right and the lady tells me that I can only pay for them or any reloadable card in the store with cash. I asked her if that is a local rule and she said it’s true of all 7-11’s. I had no recourse. She simply thought she was right. Dan, what would oyu have done. have you ever experienced this at 7-11?????

nathan eibishitz

*any loadable

nathan eibishitz

worst of all…they charged me for the slurppe! nu,the lost points opportunity it should be a kapparah bzman elul. its the points in beis din shel malah that have the most milage in any case.



Vanilla works again at all Walmart’s? cashier or ATM? I didn’t hear about that. Does it need a work around or its as simple as the ones from staples?

I don’t have a family Dollar store around me, any other ideas?



@abraham. Answer is no

David R

Dan, why did you wait until now and not do this on 7/1?


@Avremel: why feel awkward? Iv walked Walmart and did $7500 worth at on shot


Buying an iphone. Is that considered telecom? Do i get x5 the points on ink?


@abraham. The answer is no


I have been buying gas cards on my business ink Mc to pay for peoples expenses which worked for both of us but it’s not that easy to get gas cards anymore. I don’t have a freedom card and only my wife has the sapphire preferred. With the business card what would be my best option other than gas cards and store gift cards. Maybe any of these cash Or credit gift cards with the smallestt fee? Which one would be good option?


Last time I checked 4,544.55 x 5 doesn’t equal 24,800


and how did you get past the 711 $500 limit per 2 hours or so? in all my experiences you have to make multiple trips….


….and saying one vanilla loads at walmart is a stretch.

More math

@math read the post


Does anyone know if the seven eleven on union tpke in hillcrest is coded as a gas station

nathan eibishitz

answer me dan! i hate being ignored a=especially in such an iportant inquiry. i put the time in to post and to give you business through traffic on the site/ reciprication is desired here.


I know people who spend orders of magnitude more than that.

@Dan’s the man:
Do you think Chase is some one man operation?

Their lending and A/A teams have never heard my name, I guarantee you that.

Still works fine.
If you buy too close to the end it might not show up until the next statement.


@nathan eibishitz:
I’ve never experienced that but it doesn’t surprise me that NYC metro would make rules of that due to the amount of people playing this game there.

At the cashier you need to press cencel to change it to debit.

Buy money orders. There are stores in every city that will sell them for debit cards.

@David R:
What’s the difference?

None in CLE alas.
Looks like 1 in NYC…if it’s not down yet 😉

Though that drives costs up.

Depends on where you buy it.

You should get a new Ink card as a Visa to get the bonus 1%.

4,500×5.5 + 45×1.1.

Did you try the link in the post?

@nathan eibishitz:
Grow up man.

I don’t answer comments 24/7, I answer them when I have a chance.

I love the over-entitled attitude some people have as if they’re doing me a massive favor for visiting my free to access site that I’m now indebted to them or something. It’s a mutual relationship, if there wasn’t good content here that was worth something for you, then you wouldn’t visit. Do you think your “beis din shel malah” will appreciate that attitude towards a fellow being?


Along with Lucky, Dan is one of the most responsive bloggers in the travel rewards blogging community. There is no way anyone can complain he doesn’t respond…


@nathan eibishitz:

try being more polite next time
it goes a long way in life


any response on spending that much at 711 in one stop? doesn’t seem to add up.


@nathan eibishitz:

This is why I hate frummies.

On a different note I’ve been turned down from 7-11 several times over the past two months while trying to buy paypal cards. I’ve been told that you can only pay cash. It really takes a lot of effort to coerce them to let me try the credit card which, of course, works.

Also, I’ve had a problem at 711 trying to buy more than $500 at a shot. They also “lock” the register so to speak so even if I buy $500 on my freedom I can’t purchase $500 on my wife’s freedom for a set period of time.

Have you every had problems loading Vanilla cards at 711? Do you have a relationship with a clerk there to expedite the process?


nathan eibishitz

Dan my apoliges. I didnt mean to be rude. I was overeager for an answer and you certainly do much more for your followers than any of them individeually do for you. As well, the anonymity of internet comment posts tends to remove my inhibitions. I and everyone else appreciate evertyhing you do for us!



while comment on dan was inappropriate your comment on “frummies” was also unjustified and a generalization. Please dont stoop to his level.


Personally, I have tried many 7-11s outside of NY and they all refused to let me pay with a CC


@Anonymous You’re right I’m sorry


If you try hillcrest, please let us know


can anyone explain how is freedom x5 GC better than staples x5 GC? (My calc is $4 extra cost in fees for 500, no biggie)


Is there a way to get a notification when someone replies to any of my own posts here? Not on forum


@E: Staples’ highest denominations are $200 + $6.95 fee. 7-11 has $500 for $4.95…

Dan, Is there an analogous link to how 7-11’s code on Discover? They have 5% on gas right now too, correct? Thanks for bringing my attention to 7-11’s – wouldn’t have thought to do it otherwise!

David R

@Dan: No difference when you do it during the quarter. I was just wondering if there was a reason you held out this time when previously you did your spending right away.

David R

@7-11: I’m 0 for 5 in NY and about 10 for 10 OOT.


@yyk: @abraham: Discover Card for the has been giving 5% cashback in the last quarter of each year for “online shopping”. I have used Amazon Payments successfully in the past to cash out on that benefit. This year, however, I noticed that Discover stated “purchases made using virtual wallets or third party payment providers will not receive 5% Cashback Bonus” so it looks as if Amazon Payments may not work for the bonus.


7-11 in New Jersey only took cash for gift cards.


@Dan: I tried today at 2 7/11s in Chicago and they only accept cash as a form of payment. also I tried to load 200 from my staples visaGC at Walmart on my serve card and it declined it 3 times. Even on my bank debit card got declined. I put the last 4 of the GC as a pin and it did not work. Then I tried to buy a money order at walmart with the same gift card and it still did not work. Has anything changed? What can I do? Thank you in advance.



That’s right! It was Discover that I used Amazon payments for in years past for the “online shopping” category. Thanks for that reminder! (I thought I was losing my mind for a moment.) Though, it stinks that they are now changing the terms…



From all the issues you are experiencing it sounds like you’re from the NY area. Here in Cleveland, I personally have had no issues at all spending thousands in one visit to 7-11, including today as well. A few months ago 7-11 here (as well as CVS) stopped allowing CC’s for Vanilla Reloads. However, you can still purchase the OneVanilla card with a CC. The only limitation at 7-11 with the OneVanilla card (and probably all transactions as well) is that they seem to have a max of around $500 or maybe even up to $1,000. When I tried to do 2 cards in one transaction for a total of $1,009.90 the machine didn’t allow it, but 1 card for $504.95 worked fine. I can do this same transaction right after the previous one as many times as I want without having to wait.


Has anyone been able to get their One Vanilla dollars onto their bluebird account? If not, which online payment vendor do you recommend to pay other bills? Thank you. Shabbat shalom!


My 7-Eleven does not carry onevanilla however they do have my vanilla and Green Dot Visa cards. Will any of those load onto serve?


Are you now again able to load Visa VR at Walmart onto Bluebird or only Serve? I tried a few weeks ago onto my BB and had to wait for a manager to void it which took forever and I got many angry stares.
Do all 7-11’s count as gas stations for the Chase Q3 promo or only those with gas pumps?

Thanks and gut gebenched yor!

POS at 7-Eleven's in CA decline CCs for Prepaid Debit Cards

Anyone have any success in CA?


Follow up to 58.
I tried to load my VR onto my BB at Walmart tonight with no success. I tried as I would a VGC and a MCGC (change payment) and no luck. Did you mean that Visa VR’s work if buying a money order at Walmart?


Any success using CC in Queens NY?


Dan: My Cahse Sappite preferred is almost one year old. I got my points, I’m good to go, I no longer need the card, I have an Ink card, and the Sappite seems pointless to me so I don’t want to pay the yearly fee. I want the Freedom now so I get the next quarter’s bonus (I spend a lot of money online). What to do now?
1- downgrade to non-preferred sapphire?
2- downgrade to Freedom?
3- close the card and open a Freedom so I get the signup bonus.


Every 7-11 I go to only let’s cash for gift cards. How did you use credit card?


@igor just go and tell them that you were able to do it before and ask if they can just try to run it. I did this today and after a little prompting they ran the card and it worked.


@mark was it In ny ?
3 clerks in ny said no cc
Manager came n said no as well


I bought a $500 gift card at 7-11 and them went to family dollar to upload it to my serve card with no problem. I then went back to 7-11 pretty much right nearby and tried to buy another one but this time they said cash only. So I went to a different 7-11 and this time found a paypal my cash and paid with my chase and then immediately uploaded to PayPal which was much easier and the fee was $3.95 instead of $4.95.

This was my first time doing it. I think the whole process was pretty easy it’s just that some 7-11 don’t take credit cards.

Good luck!


does Bluebird still accept reloads? what is lowest cost option to fund BB without going to WM?


Dear Dan

The vanillaone can those be used to purchase money order from anywhere?
Or just in WM

Thank You

Thanks a lot for the info!
I tried to buy MOs with $200 Visa GC from Staples and also with OneVanila using the workaround, but nothing works… They are being declined all the time… Any other suggestions on how to liquidate these GCs? I went to Family Dollar once, but it is 45 min drive from me and let’s me deposit only 1 $500 GC… Also, somebody mentioned in comments here and other posts something about Target, TD GO, PayPal My Cash, etc… Could you or anybody please provide me the links where I can find additional info… Thank you in advance!

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